• 2012

Company Description

Gastronomy School in Online Videos.

The Gastronomic Academy is an Online Culinary School. Gastronomy taught through courses in online video. Their main objective is , through gastronomy, improve self -esteem of their students , demonstrating that they are capable of anything, including cooking. They teach the secret of great cuisine Chefs , bringing the High Gastronomy closer to the student. Good food is a universal right. They believe that part of their content should be free and accessible to anyone interested , and their courses for food lovers that do not have time to engage in a university, or who do not have access to it. And yet, they aim to make accessible to their students all he needs to enjoy good food through a platform of products and services delivered to your home .

  • Manufacturer:

    Information Technology
  • Formed:

  • Founders:

    Diego Rhoger
  • Company Website:

  • Company E-mail:

  • Company Address:

    Rua do Bem te Vi, 13, Loteamento Parracho Arraial d'Ajuda
    Pôrto Seguro -
  • CEO:

    • Diego Rhoger
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