• 2012 April 25

Company Description

ALGAentis , inc. , a Colorado C-Corp. , has Patented its automated process and machinery, for producing both Algae biomass.

ALGAentis , inc. , a Colorado C-Corp. , has Patented its automated process and machinery, for producing both Algae biomass and Hydroponic vegetables, under artificial light, within the Patented ALGAentis vertically integrated Growth Tower. The ALGAentis Business Model will initially concentrate on the production of of locally grown Fresh Lettuce , inside major urban markets , within small warehouse footprints , to achieve first year net profitability. One Growth Tower containing 100 hydroponic growth trays will produce 70,000 heads of lettuce per year, from daily harvests . Hydroponic Lettuce is also naturally an Organic Lettuce , by process. Local Freshness is delivered daily to the customers, without cross country trucking. The ALGAentis Business Plan will then utilize profits from Hydroponics, to produce Algae biomass , with same technology , for Nutraceutical, Cosmeceutical, Bio-Plastics, and Renewable fuels . The wet Algae biomass, combined with Pyrolysis Fuel production , achieves a fuel cost, competitive to fossil fuels, by Reduction in Bio-Fuel's downstream processing costs , from eliminating the traditional costly drying and lysing of the algae biomass.