• 2012

Company Description

Zeeuws Investerings Fonds is a business that provides financing and consulting services to Dutch businesses.

The regional development company Economic Pulse Zealand, the ZIGZAG foundation and a number of private investors are shareholders in the Zeeland Investment. They are connected in that they all have a link with Zeeland. They are living in New Zealand, his practice there (were) or have their roots. The shareholders invest not only capital but also by providing their knowledge, expertise and networks. Their broad expertise they have gained from the various leading positions in the (inter) national business. The performance of daily activities is in the hands of the fund manager, Johan Sebregts. Johan has extensive experience in retail and wholesale. Since 2003, he has led Starterslift Foundation, an organization in the southern Netherlands that focuses on supporting entrepreneurs in the early stages of their business. In addition, he has specialized in techno, and in particular the financing of these enterprises.