• 2008 April 04

Company Description

Workforce Management Technologies

Of Italian descent, Zeitgroup USA is expanding upon a technology born in Europe. We have worked to perfect time & attendance technology in order to provide businesses with that second set of eyes they have always dreamed of. We are the time aficionados and our mission is clear: Enhance business efficiency and increase productivity through our revolutionary technology derived from our eternal need to see all and deliver it to you in a concise straightforward manner. As maestros of efficiency, we are charged with overseeing your business operations to ensure no dollar bills are flying out the window or down the drain – at least not on Zeitâ€s watch. Through implementation of our time & attendance solution, we show you more than just clock- ‐ins and clock- ‐outs. Our efficiency solutions offer a bird's eye view of your entire operation, resulting in increased productivity for all. We have every aspect of time and attendance covered. From the accountants upstairs to the employees on the ground (or in the field), Zeit Technology eases everyday tasks and provides you with both better profit retention as well as piece of mind – something any business owner could use more of.