• 2007

Company Description

AmegoWorld has developed human avatar software that uses photographs and voice synthesis to produce outstanding digital communication.

AmegoWorld was created with the intention of 'humanising' web and digital communications and content. We have developed what we feel is a revolutionary new way of displaying human-avatars and making you, as an amego, come alive. The architecture uses a patented 3D system that only requires a single photograph of a person, and an innovative speech synthesis engine that can encompass emotion and meaning to any spoken content. The play-back is in real-time and rendering takes place in-application, meaning the end user has little time to wait for the amego to begin speaking and can include live content, database fed streams and practically any textual data — link it to news feeds, have it read your tweets, talk in real-time using instant messaging — the uses are endless, and we are working to bring many more mechanisms to the fore. What makes us different to all the other human avatar applications out there? Well, we believe we have solved many of the problems associated with this technology. - Photo realism — it looks exactly like you. - Speed of creation — it takes a couple of minutes and is so easy to do. - Has visible and audible emotion — Our Amegos sound and look like they are happy, sad angry etc. - Voice differentiation — our voice editor has many base voices to choose from and all of them can be customised using many filters and parameters — create a truly unique voice. This includes national and regional accents, and can even speak in foreign languages. - Real-time playback — the Amego is rendered in 3D on-device rather than a server-side video rendering process that then requires large amounts of bandwidth to be delivered. It's instant! - The player engine is so skinny, it can work on most mobile phones and in any PC browser. We are looking to develop a Mac and iphone version soon. - Any content can be read to the user — We have already plugged Twitter into our website so users can hear tweets read to them from any one they follow. - The technology can integrate with practically any application API — we have Twitter, and there are many more to follow. AmegoWorld was established in 2007 and has been working towards their goal of giving the world a true human likeness and helping the world to speak in a more human manner. The technology was invented by Rob Cross, who along with the AmegoWorld team of seven developers, and capital support from the parent company Amego Holdings, have now brought Amegos to life.