Company Description

Amisalabs makes AmisaDB - A fully-managed search and analytics service in the cloud for your big data applications.

AmisaDB is a distributed in-memory search engine written in C/C++ for indexing SQL and NoSQL databases and any unstructured text in any language in real-time. AmisaDB is ACID and stores the input data and can be used as a standalone NoSQL database with advanced search. AmisaDB also can complement RDBMS and NoSQL databases with advanced indexing and search capabilities and a powerful SQL-based interface. When you move data from MongoDB or Hadoop or Postgresql, for example, into AmisaDB, you can perform complex data analysis with ad hoc queries and advanced full text search on that data. The only requirement to use AmisaDB is knowledge of JSON and SQL. Simply choose the number of documents you want to store to get started. As your dataset grows, you simply purchase additional document slots to scale your database. We backup your data daily, replicate to multiple regions for high availability and automatically spread your data across nodes and shards transparently behind the scenes.