• 2013

Company Description

Monetized digital postage stamps for emails & texts are little social ads & fundraisers

They invented the Internet Postage Stamp, a patent-pending form of social Internet ads. Their stamps are not for paper/physical mail. They go in emails, text messages, twitter, facebook, all the ways people communicate via web/mobile today. ampStamps are free to the public to use. But, each stamp still holds monetary value since each carries popular consumer brand or nonprofit ads. Nonprofits earn a few cents in donations and brand advertisers pay cost per impression & click fees to ampStamps each time their stamps are used. Multiply a few cents by the sheer number of messages per day and you get Google-like revenues. In return, their Stampers (people who use ampStamps for free) earn donations for their favorite nonprofit or earn rewards from favorite brands. Their software makes it effortless for Stampers since favorite stamps are automatically included in every message they send. Advertisers get better targeted, spam-proof, truly social ads, granting much deeper reach into social circles.