• 2007 December 28

Company Description

A free service to share your daily things and manage your identity. Final goal: building a simple platform for managing your real-life

A free service to share your daily things and manage your identity. Final goal: building a simple platform for managing your real-life identity and making the small things you do every day easier. Your true self is the what you build through everything you do throughout the day. Features * 140 characters. Text, video and images * You can promote your professional skills and services, and get to know more people in your online network, local area, or target audience. * Noise reduction. You can control which updates you receive to include just real life people, online friends, acquaintances, co-workers, colleagues, and family. * * You can also import content from your YouTube, [Flickr](/organization/flickr), and [Delicious](/organization/delicious) accounts. * Filter search results by content, resumÃs, links, etc.