• 2014 January 06

Company Description

Zombies, Run! is a video game developed and published by Six to Start for iOS and Android platforms.

Zombies, Run! is a video game developed and published by [Six to Start](http://www.crunchbase.com/organization/six-to-start) for iOS and the Android platforms. It is an immersive running game where players act as the character ''Runner 5'' through a series of missions, during which they run and listen to various audio narrations to uncover the story. While running, the player collects supplies such as ammunition, medicine and batteries, which can be used to build and expand their base. The app can record the distance, time, pace, and calories burned on each mission through the use of the phone's GPS or accelerometer. When using the GPS feature, the user can also opt to participate in a zombie chase which requires the player to run faster for a short period of time or be caught by zombies and lose their supplies, or even fail the mission.