• 1963

Hardware Description

The UNIVAC 1050 was a variable wordlength (1 to 16 characters) decimal and binary computer. Instructions were fixed length (30 bits – 5 characters), consisting of a 5 bit "op code", a 3 bit index register specifier, one reserved bit, a 15 bit address, and a 6 bit "detail field" whose function varies with each instruction. The memory was up to 32K of 6-bit characters. Like the IBM 1401, the 1050 was commonly used as an off-line peripheral controller in many installations of both large "Scientific Computer"s and large "Business Computer"s. In these installations the big computer (e.g., a UNIVAC III) did all of its input-output on magnetic tapes and the 1050 was used to format input data from other peripherals (e.g., punched card readers) on the tapes and transfer output data from the tapes to other peripherals (e.g., punched card punches or the lineprinter).