- unknown (b.)
An American entrepreneur and internet executive, he is Vice President of Streams, Photos and Sharing at Google. He received his Bachelor?s degree in Computer Science from the University of Michigan in 1987. He pursued his graduate studies at the MIT Media Lab, in the Vision and Modeling Group, under Professor Sandy Pentland. He received a Master?s degree in Media Science in 1991, and subsequently entered the Ph.D. program. He dropped out of the Ph.D. program in 1993 to co-found Virage. His academic work focused on the intersection of computer vision, image processing and computer graphics. He has published numerous refereed papers in academic journals, including work on recovery of non-rigid structure from motion and fractal image compression, and has been awarded more than a dozen patents. He was CTO and a co-founder (with Jeff Bach, Chiao-fe Shu and Ramesh Jain) of Virage, Inc. Virage technology ?watched, read and listened to raw video?, extracting metadata that allowed for detailed semantic-based indexing of the video content. Virage went public on the NASDAQ in 2000, and was acquired by Autonomy in 2003. He acquired half a dozen patents in the field of media analysis and indexing while at Virage. He joined Yahoo in 2004 as Director of Media Search. Eventually, he began the internal Hack Yahoo program, most notable for ?Hack Days.? Hack Days eventually morphed into the public facing Open Hack Days in 2006. Eventually he was promoted to Vice President of Advanced Development, and his team created both Yahoo Research Berkeley and the Brickhouse incubator. He is also known for sponsoring numerous ?Web 2.0? acquisitions into Yahoo including Flickr, MyBlogLog and Jumpcut. He left Yahoo and joined Google in 2008 as Vice President of Product for Consumer Applications, eventually leading the product management organizations for Gmail, Google Docs, Calendar, Google Talk, Google Voice, Picasa, Orkut and Blogger. In 2011, He and Vic Gundotra conceived of and led the Google+ Project. In March 2015, he became the lead for the Google Photos and Streams products. He is an avid angel investor, and has invested in startups such as Dropcam, Slack_Technologies, Honor and Change.org. He is an advisor to the behavioral analytics startup jobFig, and a board member of Issuu, a digital publishing platform. He serves on the Visiting Committee of the MIT Media Lab
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Vice President of Streams, Photos and Sharing at Google and CTO and co-founder of Virage, Inc., Virage technology -
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