Ms. Stephanie Poppe - Indiana University, US
Mr. James N. Porter - DISK/TREND, US
Mr. James R. Porter - Porter Capital Partners, US
Dr. RABINS PORWAL - Krishna Institute of Engg. & Technology, India, IN
Mr. Bob Potter - Presagia Corp, CA
Mr. Jeffrey Powers - Geekazine, US
Mr. Robert M. Price - PSV, Inc., US
Dr. Ina S. Prinz - Arithmeum, DE
Professor Sergei P. Prokhorov - Institute for the History of Science and Technology, RU
Mr. Hans B Pufal - ACONIT, FR
Mr. PETER RABANAL - University of Northern Philippines, PH
Mr. Danial Rahdari - Computer engineering department, islamic azad university science and resear, IR
Mr. Edward Ebenezer Rajakumar - Vikram Sarabhai Space Centre, IN
Professor Vaidyeswaran Rajaraman - Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, IN
Dr. Thali N Rajashekhara - Camden County College, US
Dr. Anthony Ralston - SUNY at Buffalo (emeritus), GB
Dr. Alison Rampersad - Nova University, US
Mr. Paul Ramsay - Equinox Limited, NZ
Mr. Balu Ramu - Bharathiar University, IN
Professor Brian Randell - Newcastle University, GB
Mr. sridhar rathod - vasavi college of engineering, IN
Dr. Erik P. Rau - Hagley Museum and Library, US
Mr. Nicholas Arthur Rawlings - National CSS, US
Professor Samuel A Rebelsky - Grinnell College, US
Dr. David Reed - Creighton University, US
Mr. Perry Reel - Hewitt Associates, US
Mr. Gareth C Rees - J. Goldstein Ltd., GB
Mr. Julian Reitman - Retired, US
Ms. Rosemary Remacle - Computer History Museum, US
Mr. Jacky Renaux - IEEE, FR
Mr. David Requena Zabala - Indukern Group, ES
Mr. Michael W Rigsby - White Sands School, US
Mr. Thomas C. Rindfleisch - Stanford University, US
Mr. Heinz Ringlhofer - private, AT
Mr. David Robert - JNTU, IN
Professor Mike Robin - Hofstra University, US
Mrs. Alison Roche - WIT, IE
Professor Raul Rojas - Freie Universitaet Berlin, DE
Ms. Susan Rojo - Stanford University, US
Mrs. Fahimeh Rookhosh - IAU, IR
Mr. Crispin Rope
Mr. Kenneth Ross - Seriosity, Inc., US
Mr. Ryan E Rowley - NASA Private Sector, US
Mr. Jack Rubin - Digibarn, US
Mr. Peter Rugh - CIS at PCC, US
Dr. Andrew L Russell - John Hope Franklin Humanities Institute, Duke University, US
Dr. Peter J Ryan - Defence Science & Technology Organisation, AU
Mr. George M. Ryan