A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | R | S | T | U | V | W | Y | Z
Mr. Dean Dividu - Virtual Concepts LLC, US
Dr. Ronald E. Doel - Oregon State University, US
Professor Wolfdieter Dombacher - BDD, AT
Dr. Edo H. Dooijes - University of Amsterdam, NL
Dr. Lynne Pierson Doti - Chapman University, US
Mr. Lance G. Douglas - Netized Corporation, CA
Dr. Deborah G. Douglas - Massachusetts Institute of Technology - MIT Museum, US
Dr. Greg Downey - University of Wisconsin-Madison, US
Dr. Helena Durnova - Masaryk University, CZ
Professor William H Dutton - Oxford Internet Institute, GB
Ms. Esther Dyson - EDventure Holdings, US
Mr. George Dyson
Dr. Peter Eckstein - Independent scholar, US
Ms. Chris Edmondson-Yurkanan - Univ. of Texas at Austin, US
Professor Paul N Edwards - University of Michigan, US
Mr. Robert Edwards - USMTM J6, US
Mr. Markus Enders - The British Library, GB
Dr. Albert Endres - University Stuttgart, DE
Dr. Alec Engebretson - Doane College, US
Dr. Gerald L. Engel - University of Connecticut, US
Dr. Nathan Ensmenger - University of Pennsylvania, US
Ms. Julia Erdogan - Zentrum für Zeithistorische Forschung, DE
Ms. Ingrid Erickson - Social Research Concil, US
Dr. Mirko Ernkvist - The Ratio Instittute, SE
Professor Eduardo Espinosa Avila - University of Mexico, MX
Mr. Gerald Estrin - UCLA, US
Mr. Robert Evans - none, AU
Professor Thomas J. Faigle - New River Community College, US
Mr. David Farber - Carnegie Mellon University, US
Mr. Gregory E. Farmakis - Agilis SA, GR
Dr. Joe Faruqui - Hardware, US
Dr. Jean-Marie Favre - University of Grenoble, FR
Mr. Mohammad Ashraf Fazili - Institution of Engineers India, IN
Dr. William Fearon - National Health Service, GB
Mr. Dan Feldman - IBM, US
Dr. Katalin Ferber - Waseda University, JP
Mr. Steven P Ferrill - National Grid, US
Professor Yakov I. Fet - Computing Center, Russian Academy of Sciences, RU
Mr. Peter Feuerstein
Dr. Bradley Fidler - UCLA, US
Dr. Leslie D Fife - LSU in Shreveport, US
Dr. Christine Ann Finn - University of Bradford, GB
Mr. Patrick J. Finnigan - Instruments & Information, CA
Mr. Roberto Fiorani
Mr. Erik Fischer - Sun Microsystems, HU
Mr. Rene Florizoone - Katholieke Universiteit leuven, BE
Mr. Donald Force - University of Wisconsin Milwaukee, US
Dr. Charles Harkness Forsyth - Vita Nuova, GB
Dr. Dennis John Frailey - SMU, Raytheon, US
