A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | R | S | T | U | V | W | Y | Z
Dr. Marie Michèle Bernad d'Udekem-Gevers - Facultés Universitaires Notre-Dame de la Paix, BE
Dr. enrique daltabuit - CEMPolanco UNAM, MX
Mrs. Violeta Damjanovic - Salzburg Research, AT
Mr. Robert Danner - Mercy High School, US
Dr. Nayyer Masood Dar - Mohammad Ali Jinnah University, Islamabad campus, PK
Mr. Joseph W Davenport - Individual, US
Dr. McDonald Davis - University of Richmond, US
[node:field_salutation] Devon Dawson - Agilent Technologies History Center, US
Mr. John D Day - Boston University, US
Mr. Arnold S. De Larisch - MRI Radiology Network, US
Dr. Liesbeth De Mol - Centre for Logic and philosophy of Science, Universiteit Gent, BE
Professor Bernard de Neumann - The City University, London, GB
Mr. John Deane - Australian Computer Museum Society, AU
Mr. Christopher Deeble - Rio Tinto IS&T, AU
Mr. William T Degnan - University of Delaware, US
Ms. Katherine Deibel - University of Washington, US
Dr. Janet Delve - University of Portsmouth, GB
Mr. Dylan DeMartino - Fordham Political Review, US
Dr. Peter J. Denning - Naval Postgraduate School, US
Dr. Ralph Deters - University of Saskatchewan, CA
Dr. Scott Dexter - Brooklyn College of CUNY, US
Mr. Levente Arpad Dezsi - Gama Computers, RO
Mr. dhamo dharan - mahendra college of engineering, IN
Dr. Mark Diehl - Mark Diehl Consulting, US
Mr. Joseph Dioguardi - Hackley School, US
Mr. Dennis Hope Ramirez Directo - Nueva Vizcaya State University, PH
Mr. Dean Dividu - Virtual Concepts LLC, US
Dr. Ronald E. Doel - Oregon State University, US
Professor Wolfdieter Dombacher - BDD, AT
Dr. Edo H. Dooijes - University of Amsterdam, NL
Dr. Lynne Pierson Doti - Chapman University, US
Mr. Lance G. Douglas - Netized Corporation, CA
Dr. Deborah G. Douglas - Massachusetts Institute of Technology - MIT Museum, US
Dr. Greg Downey - University of Wisconsin-Madison, US
Dr. Helena Durnova - Masaryk University, CZ
Professor William H Dutton - Oxford Internet Institute, GB
Mr. George Dyson
Ms. Esther Dyson - EDventure Holdings, US